
Miloš Stojaković

Sales and Marketing Manager
Aguara Chocolate

Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday 09:30 - 16:00
DescriptionAguara Chocolate je zanatska radionica čokolada izrađenih i zapakovanih rukom, u uvek ograničenom broju, u uvek ograničenoj seriji, kako bi svaki, i najmanji komadić bio savršen i savršeno ličan.

Nastala iz posvećenosti ukusu, emociji, životu, radu i detaljima, sve do savršenstva. Posvećena izvoru inspiracije, muzi koja je uvek nova, i uvek iznenađujuća, uvek lična za one koji Aguaru osmišljavaju, pripremaju i pakuju brižljivo, rukom, ali i za mene koja u njoj tražim nešto što niko drugi i ništa drugo ne može da mi da potpis trenutka, nastao u interakciji između mene i gutljaja vina, stare fotografije, stiha i glasa, između mene i stranice knjige, između mene i uspomene iz detinjstva ili uspomene koja će tek da se rodi, između mene i bunta, između mene i nekog potpuno novog doživljaja...

Aguara je lična priča, lični stih, lični doživljaj i zalogaj, uvek intimni dijalog. Zato je tako posebna.

Katalog Aguara chocolate proizvoda možete preuzeti na ovom linku

Aguara Chocolate is a handcrafted chocolate workshop where every chocolate is made and packed by hand, always in a limited number, always in limited edition, so that every single, smallest piece is perfect and perfectly personal.

Dedicated to the source of inspiration, the well, the muse which is always new, always surprising, ever personal to those who create Aguara, carefully, those who prepare it and package it, carefully, by hand, and also to me, as I look within for the things that no one else, and nothing else, could give - the signature of a moment, born in the interaction of myself and everything I am, the interaction between me and wine, an old photo, between me and a page of a book, me and a childhood memory or a memory that is yet to be born, between me and rebellion, between me and all those things to come…

Aguara is a personal story, a personal verse, a personal experience and bite, an always personal, intimate dialogue.

You can download Aguara chocolate catalogue on this link.
Organization Type Entrepreneur
CityBeograd, Zemun Google map